Friday, November 7, 2008

put an end to excuses

I have heard every excuses int he book for why people "can't get organized"...but really they just aren't making it a priority. If you want to get your home, office family and life back on track and organized, read over some of the excuses below and see if you fit into any of the categories. They read what I have to say about them...and see what you can do to make organization a priority in your life...I promise it will be worth it!

1. I'm going to fail
If you think you can do it, you can. If you think you can't, you won't. It's true. You can organize your home if your attitude is positive. Remember that any task you complete, no matter how small, is a success. Reward yourself.

2. It's too much work
Do you find getting organized as being too big of a chore so you do not even want to start it? You can make organizing fun. Set a timer and organize for 15 minutes to see if you can 'beat the clock.' Organize to your favorite music. Organize while you're chatting with your best friend on the phone.

3. I don't have the time
If you don't make the time, you won't have the time. Start with a project that only takes a small portion of your day. Even 10-minute projects are better than no projects at all. Accomplishing just one tiny goal can give you the motivation to keep going to organize more.

4. I will never be able to get this all done
Don't think that you have to do it all alone. Get help. Make it a group effort. Get together with your family or friends to organize your home.

5. I'm very sentimental. I cannot get rid of anything
Perhaps you are finding that you are having a hard time parting with belongings. Going through belongings and trying to get rid of some of them can be difficult for some people. However, being too attached to belongings can often lead to piles and piles of clutter. This can cause added stress, so it is important to let go of some items. Determine what is most important to you and only keep those items. Consider donating the remaining items to charity where someone else can enjoy them.

6. Someday I will get to it
If you are having trouble getting started with becoming organized, perhaps you should consider calling a professional organizer. A good organizer will help you identify the reason you collect and hang on to stuff and can customize a program to start you on the right path.

For more organizing ideas, visit my website:

If you need help getting organized...or getting started, please contact me...I would love to help!

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