Friday, January 2, 2009

resolutions vs. goals

As you enter into the New Year, have you though about what your goals are for 2009? What are the things you want to accomplish this year? I don't want to talk about your resolutions because I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions but I absolutely DO believe in goal-setting.

So, what's the difference, and why is one better than the other?

New Year's Resolutions are spur-of-the-moment decisions that are usually broken within the first two weeks of January and, in 90% of cases, by the end of January. We can't expect to be able to make major life and behavioral changes for the entire year at the stroke of Midnight on New Year's Eve. It's just not logical. Enthusiasm will keep us going for a couple of weeks but then what?

Why do you think all the gyms are chocked full at the moment? Everybody's said they want to lose weight and get in shape this year. Check out all the cars at the gym this week and then do it again in a month's time…I'm sure you will see a difference.

So what's the answer? Set some goals…here’s how:

1. Make them VERY specific: Instead of saying, "I want to organize my entire house,” say "I want to organize the cupboards in my master bath by February 28.”

2. Have an action plan: It's very important to have a flexible action plan so you know how you're going to get from where you are to where you want to be…and so that you can adjust it according to life.

3. Review regularly: Glance at your goals daily and review them on a weekly basis so that you can make appropriate adjustments. A real easy way to do this is to stick the page up in your refrigerator or above your desk.

4. Focus on one MAJOR goal at a time: If one of your major goals is to get your life organized, then just maintain the other areas while you're working getting organized. If you try to focus on too many goals at once, you will burn out and nothing will get done!

For more organizing tips, visit my website:

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