Tuesday, February 3, 2009

more on goal setting

Goals are such a big part of my life that I sometimes forget everyone else isn’t coming from the same place as me. I think everyone else knows about goals, sets goals and experiences the amazing benefits that come from them. I even go so far as to believe that the word goal has a positive connotation to everyone else, like it does for me. But based on the conversations I hear on a daily basis, I realize this just isn’t the case. There is a lot of mystery around goals and even some fear.

Goals aren’t something to fear. In fact, the act of setting goals, even before you achieve them, is very, very empowering. Goals give your life purpose and meaning and getting started with goals is easier than you think. Here are some simple ways to remove the mystery and fear from the goal setting process.

Now is the Right Time
You don’t have to start a diet on a Monday, and you don’t have to set goals on January 1st. Today is the perfect day to get started with goals.

It Starts with Exploring What You Want
Setting goals comes down to deciding what you want. And while this looks easy on paper, for many of us it doesn’t come naturally. Think about what would really make you happy. Don’t worry if your goals are too big, too small, too precise, too loosely defined, or too anything else. Just let your mind flow and dream about a life you will love.

You Deserve What You Want!
The best gift you can give your loved ones is your own joy and happiness. Once you decide what you want, know that you deserve to have it! You deserve to live a life you love.

Failure Is Not an Option
How can I be so sure? Because I prefer to look at the misses along the way as learning experiences and steps in the direction of success.

It is through all of our missed shots in life that we learn, grow and ultimately create success. We only risk failure when we don’t take the shot.

Action Makes It Happen
As with any change we create in our life, action is the key. You simply have to *do* something different to *create* something different. Once you have defined what you want, pick a first goal. Next, identify a single action that will move you in the direction of your goal. Then, do it! Repeat the process of identifying an action and doing it, over and over and over again, until your goal is achieved!

For more organizing tips, visit my website: www.andreadekker.com

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