Thursday, March 12, 2009

put an end to procrastination

Most people procrastinate at some time or another, and for many different reasons. We all need to find something, anything, to get us to take action because the truth is; the single most important characteristic of successful people is that they take action.

I like to think that I am immune to procrastination but I know that is not true. Just today I mentioned that I hadn’t done anything with my pictures in nearly 2 years!!!

If you can relate, then see if any of my solutions will also help you fight the procrastination monster in your own life.

1. Do nothing until your most important task is done

If something needs to be done, resolve to do nothing else until that task is done. That means no email or internet surfing until that important task is complete!

2. Give yourself a self-imposed deadline.

Tell yourself that the task must be done by a certain time. When you actually do it, it usually takes you just a fraction of the time to complete instead of the hours you imagined.

3. Make yourself accountable to someone

I like being someone who keeps to my word so this works perfectly for me. Just knowing that I have to report back to someone makes me get moving and helps me get things done. I know it will work for you too!

4. Work on it for just 15 minutes

For bigger tasks, tell yourself you'll work on the task for just 15 minutes.

You can do anything for 15 minutes.

Usually by the time 15 minutes rolls around, you'll have built momentum and you'll then want to make some serious headway. But even if you don't want to continue, at least you've made progress.

5. Build in rewards

Reward yourself the minute it's done, depending on the size of the task, of course. Like a cup of coffee for making a difficult phone call. Please don't go out and buy a new dress to reward yourself just for doing the laundry!

This week, focus on areas of your life where you are currently procrastinating and make a decision to just do something, anything, for 15 minutes!

For more organizing ideas, visit my website:

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