Saturday, May 23, 2009

keep your children organized!

It's that time of year again...the time where all mothers are going crazying thinking of what they are going to do with their children once school is out!!

How can we keep them occupied and save our sanity at the same time??

Here's a great idea from Real Simple Magazine:

Every week, have your kids reach into a jar to pick a household chore. Each job yields a different amount of money, depending on the degree of difficulty.

They can pull out multiple chores if they want additional income...but for that week, they should be responsible to complete whatever chores they pull out. (example: dust, vacuum, dishes, mow the lawn, fold laundry, etc.)

They keep their stashes piggy banks and it is theirs to save, spend, or donate as they choose... but hopeful they will get some guidance from parents!!

Good news: the chores are done and your kids have something to keep them busy and out of your hair for a few moments!

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