Friday, November 13, 2009

create a realistic schedule

Do you constantly have a long list of items on your to-do list every night? Maybe you don't even have a to-do list?? Either way, you probably have felt a little helpless and discouraged when you have so much on your plate.

Fortunately, taking just a few moments each day to create a to-do list will save you time and energy and help you to accomplish more each day.

Here are a few tips to consider as you make your list:

· Take time in the morning or evening to create a realistic schedule for your day

· Use a scheduling method that works for you (a wall calendar, PDA, computer program, daily planner, or scratch paper)

· Prioritize all the items on your list and estimate the amount of time each activity will take.

· Remember to add a little time between tasks

· Review this schedule throughout your day to track your progress

· At the end of the day, if anything is left un-finished, put it as the top priority task for the following day.

With just a little organization, you can create a realistic to-do list for yourself (and your family members) each day. I guarantee that you will accomplish more with a list and a plan than without one…so if you are looking to pack more activity into your days, you may want to try it out!

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