Saturday, June 19, 2010

simplify your laundry routine

Laundry may be a chore we all face, but it doesn't have to feel like one. With improvements to washing machines, laundry products, and even fabrics, the old rules of laundry don't necessarily apply today. Make this task go more quickly and easily with these simple tips to help you get you out of the laundry room and back to more important things!

1. Stop sorting.

I grew up watching my mom sort darks, lights, and whites on laundry day. If one stray white sock got mixed up with darks or colors, the result was a dingy gray sock.

However, these days, sorting isn't always required. Thanks to higher quality fabrics that aren't as likely to run, you can put together a last minute load of lights and darks without much chance for disaster. And there are new products like Shout Color Catchers. Toss in a Color Catcher and let it "catch" any dyes that run, which you'll see when the load is clean.

2. Utilize your basket.

Another annoying part of laundry is folding clothes and delivering them to their rightful places around your home (or relying on your kids to put their own clothes away). Often times, the clean clothes tend to just stay in the basket, right?

Why not just let your kiddos live out of the basket? If there's room in the closet, give each child his or her own basket and keep the basket in the closet. Does it really matter they grab their shirts from a drawer or a basket? Let go of that anxiety and make putting laundry away that much simpler!

3. Stop ironing.

I’ve pulled my iron out about 4 times in as many years! I don’t like to iron and I feel like it is a huge waste of time so instead, I buy clothes that don’t need to be ironed and I hang and/or fold my clothes while they are still warm from the drier. I’ve also used Downy Wrinkle Releaser which smooths out wrinkles quickly.

4. Be organized.

Laundry becomes much less efficient if your laundry room is cluttered with various detergents, products, and other items. Take time to go through your laundry room and organize it.

Keep detergents you use on a regular basis within reach of the machine and put others away (or toss them!). Have rods put up so you can hang delicates or clothes that can't go into the dryer. Have a small bin on the machine to place coins, barrettes, or small toys that you find. Place a wastebasket close by so you can toss papers and lint away. You'd be surprised how far a little organization will go!

5. Get more use out of your clothes.

There's no reason why you can't wear clothes more than once before washing them. Unless I spill something or get very sweaty, I will usually wear my clothes at least 2 times before putting them in the wash. The same rule goes for our towels and sheets. Obviously, socks and underwear don't get second chances, but jeans, sweaters, dresses, skirts, and shirts sure can!

With a few tweaks to your laundry routine, you will not only simplify this dreaded chore, but you can also save yourself a bunch of time each week!



Blogger Unknown said...

I LOVE this! I even had a friend who's kids got dressed in the laundry room - so she only had to fold and put away the clothes right there - no walking piles of folded clothes up stairs!

June 29, 2010 at 5:48 PM  

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